Daniel Ferris Photography » Photographer of Real Life. Based in Terrigal, Australia. Available anywhere.

Kayla & Mike… Wallalong House (A Preview)

Saturday was a day whereby if you were there, you simply could not help but to be touched by the complete sense of love and commitment that flowed through every moment of Kayla & Mikes incredible wedding. Every element, every interaction, every emotion on display, each and every person there able to intimately share in Kayla & Mikes ultimate joy.

As we wandered through one of Wallalong House’s rolling fields, the last of the day’s warm and soft light dropping away before our eyes, we stopped. Not to take photos, but just to look at how incredible that last moment of light was that lay before us. At that point Kayla said to me… “I just cannot believe how perfect every second of this day has been”…

I could not agree more. Take a look at a few of these preview images and you’ll see what I mean. I can’t wait to share their entire story. It’s the real deal.

Take a look…

  • March 28, 2016 - 10:16 am

    Vienna - UH-MAZING. Love your work man ???ReplyCancel

  • July 15, 2016 - 11:55 am

    Doc - Athènes, je n’ai rencontré comme un touriste et sont très intéressés par le &#2r10;voi8„ à travers les yeux de la fois un écrivain de talent. Ce livre a été écrit et publié récemment, il est encore plus intéressant lecture.ReplyCancel

  • November 6, 2016 - 3:39 am

    Peggy - That hits the target pecyertlf. Thanks!ReplyCancel

  • November 25, 2016 - 4:11 am

    http://www./ - Sehr geehrte Mistress JasminWir hatten erst vor kurzem telefoniert, ich schilderte Ihnen meine Probleme.Meine Frau möchte auf meine Cuckold-Neigung eingehen.Morgen am Montag, will sie mich erstmalig zusehen lassen,wenn sie sich mit Ihren Lover (den sie schon ein paar Monate kennt) vergnügt.Ich bin schon sehr nervös, und werde auf Ihren Wunsch hin, wieder Bericht erstatten.DankeGrußHansReplyCancel

  • January 1, 2017 - 5:09 am

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  • January 6, 2017 - 5:56 pm

    http://www.topkreditangebote.org/ - You’d think that, what them being HOUSEmartins and having their nests in the corner of the outside window cavity, it’d be easy to snap them?Alas, no! Those little critters are very quick to hide or change direction in flight!I don’t quite have the patience to be standing there for days though, I’d just get hungry after like half an hour or something!Check one out though, it’s when a few months ago, a bird flew into our shop and decided to perch around on a few shelves! How could I NOT grab the shop’s SLR?!ReplyCancel

  • February 5, 2017 - 6:52 pm

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  • February 8, 2017 - 3:23 pm

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  • May 1, 2017 - 10:34 am

    Bettie - 2010å¹´1月5日上午6:33 Još2å#65306;你睇完條片然後話不同意,無問題,我也不打算花時間去爭拗「究竟會唔會人踩人呀」、「咁而家有無人跌低呀」、「點會發生呀」呢啲嘢,有片,咪睇囉,現場情況就係非常混亂,好明顯前排çh„人已幾乎失重心。咁當然啦,根據「香港人醒目仔邏輯」,就會&#1n300;邏輯地」反駁:「å–‚!你邊隻眼見到有人跌低先~~~」,所以再解釋都無謂。正如現在仲有人會不斷重複地問五區總辭&’Œæ™®é¸æœ‰ä¹œé—œç³»ä¸€æ¨£,重複解釋都無用,因為願意聽的自然會聽,死硬不聽的,你解釋一萬次都無用。ä¿‚å’ª?ReplyCancel

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